mind map

My mind map show about the music genres, which is classical, soul, country, jazz, folk, funk pop, pop, dance, disco, hip-hop and ect. it is also shows languages ,themes, colour, concept and art styles.


  • Listen music
  • Can chat with favorite music artists
  • Can upload own music


My moodboard shows colour palette and art direction and inspired art. The colour palette that i choose is something like neon purple, blue and green colour. The art direction is inspired from the Spotify. I inspired from the art of galaxy and geometric arts.

icon sketches

layout sketches

home page, search page and playlist page
my playlist page, search genre page and setting page
artist page, album page and music playing page

marvel app


Target Audience

Young adults (18 – 35 years old)  and people who likes 90’s and 00’s songs.

final artworks

Home Page
Search Page
Search Genre Page
Playlist Page
Tracklist Page
Artist Selection Page
Album Page
Song Playing Page
Setting Page


Icon States : 5 Family Icon Examples

1.Glyph icons –

Glyph Icons are nothing but the graphical symbols that are expressed in the form of fonts in web pages. There are many advantages in using these Glyph Icons in our web pages. Following are some of the benefits of using glyph icon libraries.

  • Glyph Icons are fonts which means you can style them using CSS and effects in web pages.
  • They are vector graphics and also they are also scalable, which means we can scale them without loosing their quality.
  • Generally we use bitmap images for the icons in web pages, which requires multiple http requests for loading all bitmap icons. But in case of Glyph Icons you can send one http request to load all the icons in your web page.
  • Usually these glyph icon libraries use CDN(Content Delivery Network) which means these glyph icons load faster!
  • They are supported in all browsers. Even in all Internet Explorer browsers!
  • Best way to enhance our website’s design and efficiency.
glyph icons

2. Flat icons –  the term “flat design” is applied to graphics for numerous purposes and tasks which have common stylistic features. Flat design is the direction which found its broad and diverse expression on digital art and is famous for minimalistic and concise use of visual expressive means. Nowadays the term is widely used as the opposite to “rich design” due to harmonic simplicity taken as the basis of this design approach. The most prominent feature which actually has inspired the name of this direction is applying flat 2-dimensional visual details as the opposite to highly realistic and detailed skeuomorphic images. Flat design has been developing actively for the last couple of years covering more and more fields of graphic design still finding the broadest and most diverse application in the sphere of digital design for web and mobile interfaces. This design approach is found as the style favorable for enhancing usability and visual harmony of user interfaces.

flat icons

3. Skeuomorphic icons – Skeuomorphism is the design direction somehow opposite to flat. It is based on the idea of reflecting images in 3D look very close to the original natural look of the physical objects. It was popular for GUI of different types and functionality several years ago. But then it was gradually replaced with flat design in UI which is simpler and therefore more flexible and practical for the needs of digital interfaces. Nevertheless, the skeuomorphic icons are still widely used in the game design and app icons in the game sector.

Skeuomorphic icons

4. SVG icons – SVG icons, decoded as Scalable Vector Graphics, are responsive icons built on XML-based 2D vector images. They are designed and integrated according to an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999 and supported by all major browsers. SVG icons are growing their popularity as today websites are used on the diversity of platforms and devices and need to be responsive to provide positive UX.

SVG icons

5. App icons – App icons are the interactive brand signs that present the application on different platforms supporting the original identity of the digital product. In most cases, it features the logo of the app designed according to the requirements set for this kind of icons. However, it also can apply something else, for example, a mascot or an abstract combination of corporate colors. The effective solution is usually based on thorough market and competition research with the aim of creating an original icon which won’t get lost on the screen full of other app icons.

Elephant app icon


Icon States: 5 Icon States Examples

1. Disabled

What is the difference between Enabled and Disabled ?

  • Enabled : An enabled state communicates an interactive component or element
  • Disabled : A disabled state communicates a non-interactive component or element.


A disabled state communicates when a component or element isn’t interactive, and should be deemphasized in a UI. Disabled states are displayed at 38% opacity of the enabled state. Disabled states can also indicate they are inactive through color changes and reduced elevation.

Enabled icon shows colored button before to be disabled
After tap the Enabled the icon change to Disabled also change the color

Disabled state inheritance

Components can inherit a disabled state, such as toggle buttons, selection controls, text fields, icons, grid and list items, cards, chips, and buttons.

Example of components can inherit a disabled state :

  • Toggle buttons
  • Selection controls
  • Text fields
  • List items

Disabled states cannot be inherited by: floating action buttons (FABs), bottom and side sheets, dialogs, menus, tooltips, and alerts, or navigational components (such as app bars, tabs, bottom navigation and steppers). If the action represented in the FAB is unavailable, the FAB should not appear in the composition.

Example of components cannot inherit a disabled state :

  • Floating action buttons 
  • Bottom sheets
  • App bars


Disabled components don’t change state when tapped or hovered over.

Disabled components cannot be (1) hovered, (2) focused, (3) dragged or (4) pressed.

There may be zero, one, or multiple disabled components in a composition.

(1) Disabled toggle button, (2) Disabled button in one layout

2. Hover


Hover states are initiated by the user pausing over an interactive element using a cursor. They can be applied to all interactive components, and should be deemphasized to avoid distracting from content.

An overlay signifies a hover state. It can be applied to the entire component, elements within a component, or as a circular shape over part of the component.

Overlay applied to (1) certain elements in a component, (2) the component as a whole, or (3) in circular form.
Some components, such as buttons or cards, can inherit elevation to signify a hover state.
Additional controls can appear on hover.

Hover inheritance

Hover states can be inherited by the following components: buttons, FABs, toggle buttons, selection controls, grid list items, list items, cards, chips, text fields, and icons.

Whole components such as (1) icons, (2) text fields, (3) cards and (4) buttons can inherit a hover state.

Interactive elements can inherit a hover state.

Hover states can be inherited by interactive elements or segments within components such as (1) app bars icons, (2) actions in sheets, (3) tabs items and (4) list items.

Hover states cannot be inherited by: app bars, tabs, bottom navigation, sheets, dialogs, alerts, menus and steppers.

(1) Sheets, (2) app bars or (3) dialogs cannot inherit a hover state.


Hover states are initiated by the user pausing over an interactive element using a cursor. Hover states can be combined with focused, activated, selected, or pressed states.

Hover state in combination with (1) focused, (2) activated, (3) selected and (4) pressed states.

Overlay Opacity Values

The opacity value of the overlay should be adjusted for each different combination of text on surface in order to ensure proper visibility and color contrast accessibility. Hover overlays should be at lower opacities to avoid distracting from content.

(1) Overlay: 4% , (2) Overlay: 8% and (3) Overlay: 16%

3. Focus 


A focused state communicates when a user has highlighted an element using a keyboard or voice. Focus states apply to all interactive components. They should…READ MORE

A focused state communicates when a user has highlighted an element using a keyboard or voice. Focus states apply to all interactive components.

They should receive high emphasis, as they are not indicated by other visual cues.

An overlay signifies a focus state. It can be applied to an entire component, elements within a component, or as a circular shape covering part of a component.

Overlays can be applied (1) to certain elements in a component, (2) to the component as a whole, or (3) in circular form.
Some components, such as button, chips or cards, can inherit (1) elevation to signify a focus state.
(1) Controls can appear on focus.

Focus state inheritance

Components that can inherit focus states include: buttons, FABs, toggle buttons, selection controls, grid list items, list items, cards, chips, text fields, and icons.

Components such as (1) icons, (2) text fields, (3) cards and (4) buttons can inherit focus states.
Interactive elements within components can inherit a hover state, such as (1) app bars icons, (2) actions in sheets, (3) tabs items and (4) list items.
Components that can’t inherit a focus state include: (1) whole sheets, (2) whole app bars or (3) whole dialogs.


Focus states are initiated by user keyboard or voice input on an interactive element, until the user completes the audio or keyboard action. Focus states can be represented in combination with hover, activated, or selected states.

Focus state in combination with (1) hover, (2) activated and (3) selected states.

Overlay Opacity Value

To ensure proper visibility and color contrast accessibility, the overlay’s opacity value should be adjusted for every different combination of text on surface. Focus overlays should be at higher opacities as they are not indicated otherwise by visual cues.

(1) Overlay: 12% , (2) Overlay: 24%  and (3) Overlay: 36%

4. Selected


A selected state indicates user selection of options using one of the following input methods: tap, cursor, keyboard, or voice. Selected states should receive medium emphasis so they are easily identifiable, but not distracting.

An overlay signifies a selection state. It can be applied to elements within a component or to the entire component.

The overlay can be applied to (1) certain elements in a component, (2) the component as a whole. Selection can be signified by an (A) overlay and (B) iconography.

Selected state inheritance

Components that can inherit selected states include: image list items, list items, chips, cards, data tables, menu items, and pickers.

(1) Grid list items, (2) list items, (3) cards, and (4) chips can inherit a selected state.

Components that cannot inherit selected states include: app bars, backdrop, bottom navigation, sheets, buttons, dialogs, dividers, expansion panels, alerts, snackbars, tabs, text fields, or tooltips.

(1) Buttons, (2) text fields, (3) app bars, and (4) dialogs can’t inherit a selected state.


Selected states are initiated when users select one or more options. Selected states can be represented in combination with hover, focus, pressed or dragged states.

Selected state in combination with (1) hover and (2) focus states.

Multiple selected states may exist at a time in a layout.

Multiple selected states

Overlay Opacity Value

To ensure proper visibility and color contrast accessibility, the overlay’s opacity should be adjusted for every different combination of text on surface. Selection overlays should be at medium emphasis so they are easily identifiable, but not distracting.

(1) Overlay: 8% , (2) Overlay: 16% and (3) Overlay: 24%

5. Activated 


Activated states indicate which item from a set of options is currently being viewed. They are initiated either by default or user choice, using input…READ MORE

Activated states indicate which item from a set of options is currently being viewed. They are initiated either by default or user choice, using input methods such as a tap, cursor, keyboard, or voice input. This state should be highly emphasized.

Activated states are signified by an overlay, color change, or other visual treatments applied to elements or segments within a component.

(1) Overlays as activated state signifier. (2) Line element as activated state signifier.

Activated state inheritance

An activated state differs from a selected state because it communicates a highlighted destination.

Components that can inherit activation states include: navigation list items, tab items, bottom navigation items, stepper items, choice chips, or toggle buttons.

(1) Toggle buttons, (2) bottom navigation items, (3) choice chips and (4) tab items can inherit an activated state.

Components that cannot inherit activation states include: buttons, floating action buttons, selection controls, sliders, app bars, bottom and side sheets, dialogs, or alerts.

(1) Buttons and (2) dialogs cannot inherit an activated state.


Activated states are initiated either by default or user choice. Activated states can be represented in combination with hover and focus states.

Activated states can be represented in combination with (1) hover and (2) focus.

Within a single set of options, only one activated state may be present at a time.

This navigational list has an activated item in the same layout as a choice chip with an activated item.

Overlay Opacity Values

To ensure proper visibility and color contrast accessibility, the overlay’s opacity should be adjusted for every different combination of text on surface. Activation overlays should be at higher opacities since they are not always user-initiated.

(1) Overlay: 12% , (2) Overlay: 24% and (3) Overlay: 36%


5 Music Applications

1. Spotify

Spotify Icon / Logo

What is Spotify?

Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and video streaming service that gives us access to millions of songs and other content from artists all over the world. Basic functions such as playing music are totally free, but we can also choose to upgrade to Spotify Premium. Either way, we can:

  • Choose what we want to listen to with Browse and Search. 
  • Get recommendations from personalized features, such as Discover Weekly, Release Radar, and Daily Mix.
  • Build collections of music.
  • See what friends, artists, and celebrities listen to.
  • Create our own Radio stations.

Spotify is available across a range of devices, including computers, phones, tablets, speakers, TVs, and cars, and we can easily transition from one to another with Spotify Connect.


Spotify is a digital music, podcast and video streaming service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from artists all over the world. Basic functions such as playing music are totally free but also choose to upgrade to Spotify Premium.


1.Your Library :

Your Library is where we will find what we like  and Follow on any device. Use it to store our favorite songs, playlists, artists, albums, and podcasts.

2.Shuffle play :

Mix up what plays next with Shuffle. Great for long playlists, switching up our listening, or when we just don’t feel like following orders.We can turn shuffle on for songs in Your Library, or any playlist, album, or artist profile.

3.Download music and podcasts :

If we have Premium, we can download our favorite songs, albums, playlists, and podcasts, so can listen to them without an internet connection.We can download up to 10,000 songs on each of up to five different devices.

4.Spotify Radio :

Spotify Radio creates a collection of songs based on any artist, album, playlist, or song of our choice. It even updates over time to keep fresh.

5.Daily Mix :

Introducing the music we love, minus the effort. Daily Mix is the perfect line-up of tracks ready to play at the touch of a button. Each mix is based on a different genre of music we regularly listen to, and is loaded with artists we love, plus a few recommendations from them that fit the same vibe.

6.View lyrics :

See key lyrics of many of our favorite tracks as they’re sung (or rapped, or screamed). Get behind the scenes info, including what inspired the lyrics and facts about the song. Also available on our TV with Chromecast.

7.Podcasts :

Listen to our favorite podcasts, and discover many more among the thousands of shows on Spotify.

  • Get recommended and featured shows.
  • Save the podcasts we like. New episodes are then automatically saved for we.
  • Save podcasts offline for when we don’t have an internet connection.

8.Videos :

Watch music videos, documentaries, and exclusive video series, all from within the Spotify app.

9.Local files :

Make Spotify your all-in-one music player.

In addition to over 40 million tracks they offer, we can also use our Spotify app to play music files stored on our device (which they call “local files”).

10.Play Queue and History :

For: Premium

See and arrange what plays next with the Play Queue. We can also view our recent listening History on the desktop app. Perfect for when we forget the name of an awesome track we heard recently. 

11.Sort and Filter :

Sort and filter Spotify to control how the music is listed and played.

12.Concerts :

With Concerts, find out when and where the artists we love are performing live. To help them pick more concerts suited to our tastes, keep playing and following the artists we love.

13.Autoplay :

When we reach the end of an album, playlist, or selection of tracks, Spotify will automatically play similar songs so the music never stops. 

14.Friend Activity :

For: Desktop

Friend Activity shows the listening activity of any friends or public profiles (including brands and celebrities) that we follow.

15.Artist profiles :

Artist profiles are where we will find all releases available by a particular artist, plus everything we need to know about them. Explore an artist profile to find:

  • All available albums, singles, and EPs. Check out their Latest Release and Popular to get to know their music.
  • Compilations, or releases by other artists, that they appear on.
  • Fans Also Like: Other artists their fans listen to, determined by listener habits and trends around the internet.
  • About: Their biography, artist images, and where people listen (on mobile and tablet, find this at the bottom of an artist profile).
  • Concerts: When and where they’re playing, and how to find tickets.
  • Artist Playlists and Artist’s Pick: The music they’re into!
  • Monthly listeners: Their average number of listeners per month. 
  • Merch/Offers: Swag they have available to buy. 

16.Crossfade tracks :

Crossfade lets us eliminate the silence between tracks so our music never stops.

17.Fans First emails :

Fans First emails are their way of thanking their artists’ biggest Spotify fans with unique or exclusive offers. Previous treats have included:

  • Access to presale tickets for upcoming concerts.
  • Access to exclusive merch items not available anywhere else.

18.Stations :

Easily create stations for the music we love, all for free. The more we listen, the better Stations gets to know us.

Art Direction

Art direction used in smartphone :

Search or select your favorite artists
playlist made for you
search and genre

Art direction in tablet :


Art direction in Apple watch :

Spotify inI watch

Unique Selling Point of Spotify

That value proposition is powerful. Let’s break it down to see how it works:

  • Legal – Not everyone is comfortable downloading illegal music even though it’s relatively a safe bet you won’t get caught if you did. As Netflix demonstrated, most people don’t mind enjoying something that they could get free illegally…as long as it’s worth the money.
  • Access – When you become a paid subscriber to Spotify, you get to search their 12 million song library from your laptop or your phone. It’s like owning all of those songs.
  •  12 million songs – You won’t find any songs from The Beatles or some other notable absences, but you will find just about everything else.  And as long as Spotify keeps that huge selection, they’ll always have an audience.
  • Take anywhere – As a paid subscriber you get to use Spotify on two phones. Whether in the car, out running or waiting at the dentist’s office, you can pull up the music. This is convenience at its best.

2. Joox Music

Joox logo

What is Joox Music ?

JOOX Music is a music streaming service that lets us listen to thousands of full-length songs without having to download anything. It’s similar to Spotify or Deezer, but with a special focus on Chinese music, where the app comes from.

Although the content we see on the main page is aimed toward Chinese users, showing mainly music hits from that country, we can search for and listen to any music artist in the world. Plus, most of the interface is actually in English, so you won’t have any trouble using it. In any case, the app isn’t difficult to use at all: we just click on an album to see the songs in it, and click on a song to listen to it.

Aside from listening to thousands of songs for free, JOOX Music also provides access to thousands of music videos. We just have to click the video icon when find it available for a song.

As usual in this type of application, JOOX Music lets us create our own playlists, save our favorite songs, etc. It incorporates every important feature a music streaming application should have.

JOOX Music is a pretty good music app that offers one month for free (after registering via Facebook). Its great advantage is that it offers songs that are not available on any other platforms.


1. Complete Music Collection

Call artist, genre, or our favorite song and find everything in JOOX. This application has a treasury of songs that is more complete than any other music application. JOOX features the Top Charts and New Release which allows us to keep up-to-date on the development of music throughout the world. With a collection of countless of these, we can also become an impromptu DJ by creating tracklist pilihamu own and share them with our friends.
2. FREE Radio
If you do not have an idea to start exploring where, JOOX also feature FREE Radio where we can listen to the songs selection of professional editors in the field of music (Editor’s Pick) who can accompany us wait queues, exercise, and other activities ,
3. Unlimited Licensed Music

Fans are loyal fans who have always appreciated the works of his idol. JOOX provides unlimited access to enjoy the collection of licensed music (Licensed Music Unlimited) so that you can appreciate the works of your favorite artist in a way that is legal.
4. Lyrics
Enjoy our favorite songs and sing along with the song lyrics provided JOOX.
5. Theme Gallery
If we get bored with the look of the application, we can change it according to our taste. JOOX provides a variety of themes that can adjust at will.
6. Social Circle
JOOX allows us to instantly share our music listening experience to everyone via Facebook and WeChat.
7. Offline Play
If we are not always connected to the Internet, we can download our favorite songs to be played when we are not connected to the internet. And more violent, if we are limited about the capacity of data storage, we can store it on the SD Card.
8. Music Player
JOOX can also act sebagia music player. In addition to storing music on the SD Card, we can also import songs that exist in storage for playback on JOOX.
9. Timer

We can set the timer feature that allows JOOX to stop playing the song at a time when we have set.
10. Quality Streaming Settings

We can find the settings in the general settings to determine how big the Internet data that will be used to listen to each song, as well as the quality of the songs we want to download.

Art Direction


URL of Joox Music advertistment : https://youtu.be/gxyj1cH2PfY

3. Gaana Music

Gaana logo

What is Gaana ?

Gaana.com is the largest Indian commercial music streaming service with over 123 million monthly users. It was launched in April 2010 by Times Internet and provides both Indian and international music content. The entire Indian music catalog is available to users worldwide.


Hassle-free discoverability
With the new app, discoverability has become a lot simpler. Users can now quickly select their choice of music by taking help of the Personalized Music Feed at Search. The app will track our listening history and prompt suggestions thus saving us the drudgery of browsing through a vast library of music to make our pick. The smart feed is powered by the ML models to expose users to varied content in one go.

Aids decision making

The revamped version also features ‘Made for you Mixes’ and playlists. This will aid decision-making with tailor made playlists to cater to our eclectic preferences. These will have tracks across genres for various occasions put together just for us.

Engaging content
An engaging modern UX will ensure that music lovers experience Fresh Content Everyday. It will filter music based on what we have listened and what we have not and will suggest new content accordingly. AI and Machine Learning (ML) has been the key driver in leveraging the user behavior for understanding taste profiles and tailoring music listening experiences for each unique user.

Easy accessibility
Users who are not comfortable with typing can now make use of the Voice Search Option. The feature will make accessibility faster as it gives users the freedom to make movements on the app without having to type details of the songs. Users can search for their favourite songs by simply saying the name of the song, singer, movie, lyrics, moods and occasions.

Immersive experience
Consumers can not just listen to the music but also sing while the song is playing. The new feature will let consumers view Lyrics With Full Screen Players. The users can change the font and the style as per their wish

Beside this, the app has been made more user-friendly with an increased focus on imagery and breathing spaces. It has also improved player experience and onboarding process.

Art Direction

download song
choose language

URL link for Gaana Music advertisment : https://youtu.be/2QwkUg6rT4g

4. Shazam

Shazam logo

What is Shazam?

The name of a popular music-discovery application for the Apple iPhone device. Shazam is a free application that helps users figure out the name of a catchy song being played on the radio, television or other place. Users simply hold their iPhone device up to the speaker playing the music and the Shazam application will attempt to identify the tune’s album, artist and song title. The Shazam application is available for the iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry smartphones.


• Enjoy music lyrics and YouTube videos

• Preview songs and add them to Apple Music or Spotify playlists

• With Auto Shazam we’ll keep finding tunes for you even when you leave the app

Art Direction

lyrics, videos and playlist
share in social media
find new music from artists we love

5. Free Music – Music Downloader

Free Music logo

What is Free Music?

Free Music – Music Downloader application developed and designed for music listener. You can download free mp3 songs and listen on Free Music – Music Downloader. All the rights on the songs are the property of their respective owners.


  • Great data set, more than a million high quality mp3 tracks. One of the biggest free mp3 music storage.
  • Very fast and robust multithreaded mp3 download engine.
  • Download high sound quality mp3 fastest and play mp3 music online or offline.
  • All tracks are verified, and available for personal usage (not for commercial purposes!).
  • Flexible search possibilities (search by tracks, artists, albums, genres, instruments, moods, popularity and more). please, take a look at screen shots for details.
  • You will find music for any tastes and of any kind with our app.

Art Direction

MP3 Download
Search music
Play music
Music download


5 Interesting Mobile Applications



Waze is a community-driven map app designed by an Israeli company in 2013. It uses data from app users to provide quicker navigation routes.

User’s Scenario

Data is submitted both automatically as users drive around (using speeds determined by GPS signals) and can be manually entered on the app. Users can report speed traps, accidents, traffic jams, and other things that could slow down drivers. Waze was sold to Google (GOOG) in 2013, and many features have since been incorporated into Google Maps.

Category of the App

Community-driven app.

Function of the App

There are plenty of GPS-driven apps and software to choose from, including options that may have come pre-installed in your car’s dashboard interface or on your mobile device like Google Maps and MapQuest. Most do a respectable job when it comes to step-by-step navigation, and some even account for congestion and other factors that could affect your overall drive time.

Waze handles things a bit differently, though, relying on the power of the people to steer you down the right roads. With over 100 million users sharing noteworthy information about what they encounter along the way, Waze stays constantly updated about anything that could slow your progress. Input from your fellow drivers, known as Wazers, lets the app alert you to important items such as construction, police activity, accidents and even minor things to look out for like potholes and disabled cars on the shoulder.

Waze utilizes all of this information seamlessly to predict accurate arrival times and tailor turn-based directions as you drive, helping you traverse both city and rural roads with confidence.

The app is highly customizable, letting you select from a 2D or 3D display and from one of dozens of voices across almost all popular languages. If you aren’t satisfied with any of the voices provided, Waze lets you record your own voice for directional playback purposes.

Art Direction of the App

Unique Selling Feature of the App

The Waze crowdsourcing function has not only given the company a unique value proposition, but also a unique way of delivering on that promise. The strength of Waze is the company’s crowdsourced collection of real-time data.

Type of Navigation

  • Finger tapping
  • Geolocation

URL of demonstration video of Waze app: https://youtu.be/q3fCd5ddKsM



WhatsApp was founded by Jan Koum and Brain Acton, who was the former employes at Yahoo Inc. WhatsApp was initially started for Android mobile devices. In addition,to basic messaging WhatsApp users can create groups, send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages with your friends.

User’s Scenario

WhatsApp is a cross-platform instant messaging service for mobile devices that relies on the internet for the transmission of messages. As of 2019, WhatsApp is most popular global mobile messenger app worldwide with approximately 1.6 billion monthly active users, outranking Facebook Messenger at 1.3 billion and WeChat at 1.1 billion users. Following Facebook and YouTube, it is the third most popular social network worldwide.

Category of the App

Social media.

Function of the App

Group Video and Voice CallsAnd now you are no longer restricted to just having one-on-one conversations thanks to a new WhatsApp video featureWhatsApp’s group calling for voice and video lets you talk with up to three other people at the same time. To start a group call, you will first need to call one person.

Art Direction of the App

Unique Selling Feature of the App

1. Group video and voice calling

WhatsApp group calling is one of the biggest new features that was introduced in the chat app in 2018. After being tested for over a month, the feature made its debut in August. The company further improved the group calling experience in December by making it easier to add participants to a call. The WhatsApp group calling currently supports just up to four people.

2. WhatsApp Stickers
Stickers have been a mainstay of all major Asian chat apps for years now, and WhatsApp was a bit of a late-entrant in this space. In fact, Facebook’s own Messenger got support for stickers before WhatsApp. Still, after months of speculation and anticipation, WhatsApp finally added stickers to its platform in October. The app offers handful of default stickers to the users and more can be downloaded from the company’s Stickers Store.

3. WhatsApp Payments
As mentioned earlier, WhatsApp Payments was easily the company’s biggest new feature for the Indian users. Despite getting a bumper launch of the beta version back in February, the feature is still stuck in beta because of the regulatory hurdles. The company is still waiting for an official approval from Reserve Bank of India to open the payments to all. Based on the United Payments Interface (UPI), the WhatsApp Payments allow the users to send, request, and transfer money.

4. Picture-in-Picture support
The Picture-in-Picture (PiP) feature allows the WhatsApp users to continue watching Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube videos in a small window while browsing the other parts of the application. The iPhone users were the first to get the feature in January this year with the Android users joining the mix in December. Apart from the three video sharing services mentioned earlier, the PiP is not available for any other video sharing services or even the videos shared natively in the app.

5. Group chats
WhatsApp Groups received a number of new features this year, including more controls for admins and creators. In addition to names, the groups can now also have descriptions. Further, WhatsApp has started allowing group creators to easily dismiss group admins using the “Dismiss As Admin” option. The creators can also restrict admins from changing group icon, subject or description.

6. Media visibility
The chat app in June started letting the Android users define whether they want media from certain chats or groups to appear in their media library. The feature was originally introduced in WhatsApp beta version 2.18.194 and removed in later versions, only to reappear later.

7. Forwarding restrictions and labelled forwarded messages
To tackle the spread of fake news and bogus messages on the platform, WhatsApp put up strict restrictions on message forwarding. The company also announced in July that it will remove the quick forward button from media messages. Additionally, the app has started showing a “Forwarded” label next of any messages that have been forwarded by other users to you. It is unclear how much of an impact these changes have had on the spread of misinformation.

8. WhatsApp data download
To meet EU’s data privacy guidelines, WhatsApp started offering the users the ability to download all the data that the platform has collected on them. This data can be downloaded by going to Settings > Account > Request Account Info. Once done, you will be taken to a page where you have to click Request Report. The feature was launched in May.

Type of Navigation

  • Finger tapping
  • Geolocation
  • Camera

URL of demonstration video of Waze app: https://youtu.be/BcXtY3EkbvM



Elevate is a new type of cognitive training tool designed to build communication and analytical skills. Elevate has been selected by Apple as the App of the Year. Since launching in May 2014, Elevate has been downloaded more than 25 million times on the App Store and Google Play.

User’s Scenario

Train to build communication and analytical skills of our brain by games.

Category of the App

Education app

Function of the App

Elevate is a brain training program designed to improve focus, speaking abilities, processing speed, memory, math skills, and more. Each person is provided with a personalized training program that adjusts over time to maximize results.

The more you train with Elevate, the more you’ll improve critical cognitive skills that are proven to boost productivity, earning power, and self-confidence. Users who train at least 3 times per week have reported dramatic gains and increased confidence.

Art Direction of the App

Unique Selling Feature of the App

• 35+ games for critical cognitive skills like focus, memory, processing, math, precision, and comprehension

• Detailed performance tracking

• Personalized daily workouts that include the skills you need most

• Adaptive difficulty progression to ensure your experience is challenging

• Workout calendar to help you track your streaks and stay motivated

• Play 4 additional mini-games and review your performance on your Apple Watch with Elevate Dash

• And more

Type of Navigation

  • Finger tapping

URL of demonstration video of Elavate app: https://youtu.be/Fq18PpCiVmI

Choices: Stories You Play


Choices: Stories You Play is a mobile game designed and released by Pixelberry Studios. They have also created successful games such as Surviving High School, Magic School, High School Story, and Hollywood U.

User’s Scenario

Choices is a simulated role-play game comprised of different stories created by Pixelberry Studios.

Category of the App


Function of the App

Originally, Choices: Stories You Play counted only three series, as well as three main genres, romance, fantasy and mystery. Since then, over two dozen more series have been released as the game has evolved and expanded.

Art Direction of the App

Unique Selling Feature of the App

  • Customize your main character
  • Fall in love, solve crimes and embark on epic fantasy adventures
  • Pick your story from our constantly growing library with weekly chapter updates
  • Control what happens next in immersive visual stories

Type of Navigation

  • Finger tapping

URL of demonstration video of Choices: Stories You Play app: https://youtu.be/3CIq5XvxMkI

Viu App


Viu is a Hong Kong-based over-the-top (OTT) video streaming provider from PCCW Media, a subsidiary of PCCW. Operated in dual-revenue model comprising subscriptions and advertising, Viu delivers content in different genres from Asia’s top content providers with local language subtitles, as well as original production series under ‘Viu Original’ initiative.

Viu is now available in 17 markets across Asia, Africa and the Middle East including Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa. As of December 2018 annual results, Viu had over 30 million monthly active users.

User’s Scenario

Dialog ViU is a mobile app which takes you to a world of unlimited local and international entertainment, sports, education and lifestyle video content.

Category of the App


Function of the App

Viu brings you the best of Asian Entertainment anytime anywhere for FREE.

Art Direction of the App

Unique Selling Feature of the App

  • Watch the most up-to-date programmes from Asia, as fast as 4 hours* with subtitles. Content availability will vary from region to region due to content licensing rights.
  • Unlimited Video Streaming
  • Free Member Registration. Registered members can bookmark their favourite shows and multi- synchronization across devices for more hassle-free viewing
  • Local language interface

Type of Navigation

  • Finger tapping
  • camera
  • VR


Magazine – Digital vs. Printed

What is magazine ?

A magazine is a general interest periodical. A periodical is a publication that comes out periodically, in other words, at regular intervals. Most of them are published once a month, but some might be weekly, fortnightly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. Originally, publishers only printed them, but today they also exist electronically, in other words, online. Magazines, which have a paper cover, contain stories, photographs, articles, and advertisements.

Collins Dictionary has the following definitions of the term:

“1. A magazine is a publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly, usually every week or every month, and which contains articles, stories, photographs, and advertisements.”

“2. On radio or television, a magazine or a magazine program is a program consisting of several items about different topics, people, and events. 3. In an automatic gun, the magazine is the part that contains the bullets.”

History of Magazine

The earliest example of magazines was Erbauliche Monaths Unterredungen, a literary and philosophy magazine, which was launched in 1663 in Germany.The Gentleman’s Magazine, first published in 1731 in London was the first general-interest magazine.Edward Cave, who edited The Gentleman’s Magazine under the pen name “Sylvanus Urban,” was the first to use the term “magazine,” on the analogy of a military storehouse. Founded by Herbert Ingram in 1842, The Illustrated London News was the first illustrated magazine.

Printed Magazine

Cover of Design Matters Magazine
Contents page of Design Matters Magazine

Printed magazine are magazines which are printed out physically. Printed magazine can also be in written publication which means written articles. Printed magazine are usually distributed through the mail, newsstands, bookstores, or other vendors. The distribution fall into three main categories, which are paid circulation, non-paid circulation, and controlled circulation.

Digital Magazine

Blueberry Online Magazine
Link for Blueberry Magazine :  https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.online-magazine.nl%2Fen%2F&psig=AOvVaw2ILO7FuowYjmbACJ6DzWLg&ust=1569078650981000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAoQjhxqFwoTCMCn_d7X3-QCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAK

digital edition is an online magazine or online newspaper delivered in electronic form which is formatted identically to the print version. Digital editions are often called digital facsimiles to underline the likeness to the print version. Digital editions have the benefit of reduced cost to the publisher and reader by avoiding the time and the expense to print and deliver paper edition. This format is considered more environmentally friendly due to the reduction of paper and energy use. These editions also often feature interactive elements such as hyperlinks both within the publication itself and to other internet resources, search option and bookmarking, and can also incorporate multimedia such as video or animation to enhance articles themselves or for advertisement purposes. Some delivery methods also include animation and sound effects that replicate turning of the page to further enhance the experience of their print counterparts.Traditionally, magazine publishers have relied on two revenue sources: selling ads and selling magazines. Additionally some publishers are using other electronic publication methods such as RSS to reach out to readers and inform them when new digital editions are available.

Changeability and Lifecycle

Similarities of Digital and Printed Magazine

  1. Both can be interactive
  2. Both are able to preview design before publishing
  3. Both are able to make changes even after publishing

Differences of Digital and Printed Magazine


  1. Digital magazines can be moving
  2. Digital magazines changes does not cost much on budget
  3. Elements taken into – screen size of user, hardware compatibility, internet speed


  1. Printed magazines can only be static
  2. Printed magazines changes can be costly
  3. Elements taken into – budget, paper material, sizes, production mechanism, printing quality

Engagement and Senses

Similarity of Digital and Printed Magazine

Both engage viewers but in different aspects.

Differences of Digital and Printed Magazine

  1. Digital magazines engage viewers through music and videos whereas printed magazines engage viewers through physical senses like touch, texture, tactile and even printing effects like emboss, letterpress and screen printing
  2. but through research online, viewers still favor printed magazines over screens as it is more easier to focus on the reading compared to digital magazines as there are too many distractions online
  3. regular magazines viewers prefer printed magazines as readers always have a collection dream is to collect the reading materials that was read before
  4. another reason why regular magazine viewers prefer printed magazines are because it will be very tiring to be facing the screen for a long time, as the average reading time for a magazine is 30 minutes, it would be too stressful for the eyes of the viewers

Space and Layout

Similarity of Digital and Printed Magazine

Both have limitation.

Differences of Digital and Printed Magazine


  • Digital magazines have limitation on scale & sizing of their post or articles
  • For digital magazines everything is calculated in pixels
  • the layout design done on digital magazines have to be responsive as screen sizes are different on all devices


  • Printed magazines have limitation on space of the printed material as legibility have to be taken into consideration
  • Printed magazines are calculated in inches or centimeters

Color and Resolution

Link of the photo : https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcreativemarket.com%2Fblog%2Fprint-design-diagrams&psig=AOvVaw1wedvALiHUnvO_rJO6tOmG&ust=1569079677320000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAoQjhxqFwoTCLiyt8jb3-QCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAc

for digital magazines, the color type used is RGB which stands for Red, Green and Blue. For printed magazines, the color type used is CMYK which stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black